Connectivity - Goodman Southend Lane

Reach up to 4.8 million people within an hour

Speed up delivery. Cut down the commute. Work closer to home.

Southend Lane is well placed for business on the move. Exceptionally connected to Sydney’s major arterial roads and logistics infrastructure, Southend Lane is strategically located in the industrial heart of Alexandria to deliver ‘last-mile’ proximity to more customers, in more places.

With the ability to reach 4.8* million people within a one-hour drive, this is a basecamp for getting your product where it needs to go, faster.


Direct access to the M8 & M4 tunnels via the adjacent St Peters Interchange

Sydney train network

700m to Mascot train station

Sydney airport

2km to the Domestic Terminal and 5km to the International Terminal

Port Botany

Only 15 minutes to NSW’s largest container port at Botany Bay
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